SAP Audit Services

Auditing your SAP system is a critical step to ensure compliance, optimize performance, and maintain system integrity. Here's how we can help you audit your SAP system effectively -

Audit Planning - We start by understanding your audit rights as per your SAP service agreement and appointing a single team member as the point of contact for SAP rep communication.

Audit Execution - Our team will collect various kinds of usage data for SAP, ensuring that all data is accurate and comprehensive. This includes reviewing master data, transaction data, user roles, and system configurations.

Policy Development - We assist in creating solid policies for handling SAP audits, which include defining the scope, objectives, and methodology of the audit process.

Compliance Checks -We perform compliance checks against your SAP service agreement to ensure that your system usage aligns with the stipulated terms and conditions.

System Review - Our experts conduct a thorough system review to identify any potential security risks, inefficiencies, or areas that require improvement.

Reporting - We consolidate all the collected data and prepare detailed audit reports that highlight findings, insights, and recommendations for action.

Follow-Up - Post-audit, we provide follow-up support to address any issues uncovered during the audit and to implement recommended changes.

Partnering with Audit Services - If needed, we can partner with an SAP audit service to outsource most of the audit process's details, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

By following these steps, we ensure a thorough and effective audit of your SAP system, helping you maintain compliance, enhance system performance, and prepare for any official audits that may arise. 

We can help identify potential risk areas and improvement opportunities. Our senior teams 25+ years of expertise in SAP can help you provide the level of expertise required for such assignments. Reach out to us

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