SAP Conversion Service

As your SAP partner, our mission is to facilitate a seamless and strategic transition from ECC to S/4HANA platform. Here's how we approach this transformative journey

Comprehensive Assessment - We initiate the process with an in-depth evaluation, aligning your current ECC environment with the innovative features of S/4HANA.

Data Optimization - Our team meticulously prepares your system, ensuring data integrity and compliance, setting the stage for a successful migration.

Migration Strategy - We collaborate with you to select the most suitable migration path, whether it's a Greenfield, Brownfield, or selective data transition, tailored to your business objectives.

Technical Execution - Leveraging state-of-the-art tools, we manage the technical aspects of the conversion, preserving your vital configurations and customizations.

Functional Upgrades - We guide the transition to S/4HANA's new data structures, ensuring all financial and operational elements are fully leveraged.

Code Refactoring - Our experts refine and adapt your custom code to thrive within the S/4HANA ecosystem.

User Experience Enhancement - We implement SAP Fiori to provide a modern, efficient, and user-friendly interface, elevating the user experience and transition the users away from using SAPGUI.

Post-Migration Support - - Post-migration, we focus on user training and support, facilitating a smooth adaptation to the new system.

Ongoing Evolution - - We stay ahead of the curve, continuously exploring SAP's innovations to bring you the latest enhancements and optimizations.

Our partnership is dedicated to not just meeting but exceeding your expectations, ensuring that your move to S/4HANA unlocks new levels of efficiency and business value.

We can help you convert from ECC to S/4HANA or upgrade to the latest release. Our senior teams 25+ years of expertise in SAP can help you successfully transition without any disruption. Reach out to us and we will share our unique point of view covering things like creating a business case, user licensing model, comparison of different approaches(Greenfield, Brownfield, Bluefield), do’s & don’t on conversion, and answers to some common questions.

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